- R1: Guidebook – The outcome will consist of a Guidebook that will include a state-of-the-art report containing information about alcohol prevention programmes enacted in schools data illustrating the preparedness of teachers in providing relief paths to students suffering from alcohol abuse, current methods and community/peer therapies for treating alcohol consumption disorder of adolescents in the EU, good practices of community engagement for supporting vulnerable people.
A Training Format for school teachers based on NFE and in particular on Forum Theatre methodology providing simulation exercises for enabling students to manage directly their vulnerable peers and for offering students with alcohol consumption disorder a resilience path.
- Local activities for both teachers and highs school students aimed at implementing forum theatre sessions and test the game. Upskilling of teaching methodologies for school educators aimed at identifying student at risks and to provide them with support.

- R2: MY SAFE APP – The result will be a digital application, compatible with Android and IOS configurations, resulting from the collaboration between the consortium partners and teachers. The application will offer an educational pathway on the project theme through a game functionality based on the butterfly effect in which users will explore different scenarios in which they will be able to choose multiple solutions to manage alcohol abuse issues.
- Joint staff mobility involving researcher, educators and school teachers which will pilot and test the training format developed in the first results